Monday, February 21, 2011

Transformation of a Bureau

This was a sad, sad bureau when I got it, you can see why it was a freebie!

Missing hardware... runner on the bottom drawer (you can see how crooked it is).
What this baby needed was a paint job and a little L-O-V-E!

The top was kind of gross, so I cleaned it up and used the embossed 
wallpaper (anaglypta) on the top, which made it look extra special!

This bureau has a lot of pretty details, like the columns on the sides. 

The details show up nicely once painted and distressed.  
The paint I used was "Cream In My Coffee" by Valspar, 
one of my favorites with it's pink undertones!

I found some hardware to match and sprayed them all black.

Here she is after her transformation!

Even prettier with a mirror to match!

This mirror found a different home than the bureau,  
Amy, from Maison Decor purchased it for her vanity, 
check out her post (link above) to see how it looks in it's new home!
This bureau will be getting an attached mirror 
with the same shape as this one, it will be perfect!

Thanks for looking!!!

Linky parties I will attend...


  1. Yes I love my mirror even though I was a bad girl breaking them apart....all is well it appears! I love seeing your transformations. You know, I think I will be silver leafing that mirror...I'll keep you posted.

  2. Terrific transformation-amazing what a little TLC can do for a piece of furniture, isn't it?

  3. Great job!
    Love it - want it!

    I love your bottle labels! I have a ton of bottle too! What a great idea.

    I just became a follower.
    Stop by and say hi sometime!

  4. OMG, what a fabulous idea for the top - embossed wallpaper!! I have 8 rolls of a Laura Ashley embossed wallpaper from 20 years ago that I have been wondering what to do with - and I also have a blank white dresser....maybe I should put the wallpaper on the sides!! Thank you for giving me the inspiration to tackle that dresser now.

  5. Ooh, I love your little dresser transformation.

    It looks perfect.


  6. I love what you did with the dresser. I have one that really needs work and using textured wallpaper is something I had not thought of. I have some and will give it a try. Thanks for sharing the name of the paint you used. Great job!

  7. that turned out beautifully! i love the soft gray color and love that style of dresser. i hopped over from tuesday's treasures, and i have a furniture transfomation every weds if you'd like to join!

  8. oops- that was supposed to say furniture transformation party. ;)

  9. I love that piece - it looks so beautiful! I am dying to try my hand at furniture refinishing...thanks for the inspiration!

  10. I LOVE how this turned out! It looks great painted white. So glad I came across your blog. I'm a new follower.

  11. Wow! This is gorgeous! I will be back often!

  12. Hi, I feautred your Bureau on my "Top Ten Fav Posts" this week at Boogieboard Cottage! Thank you for joining in this week and have a nice weekend! Mary :O)

  13. Where did you find that wonderful hardware? I love it. The whole dresser is fab! Great work. :) Thanks for sharing.

  14. I absolutely LOVE how you "distressed" this piece!! Can you please give me a quick description of how you did it? Did you just sand, prime, paint... and then lightly sand the edges? Did you add anything over it once sanded? Looks SOOOO amazing!! I really appreciate your guidance...


  15. Wow, you really saved the dresser and made it fabulous!

  16. This is a fabulous transformation!
    Thanks you so much for linking up!

  17. It looks great! I love all of the distressing you did. What a happy dresser now.

  18. It's darling Bridget! Your dresser is super sweet and I love that mirror in Amy's bathroom too! Thanks for sharing over at FNF! :)

  19. I love the dresser...and the wall papaer..what a clever ideal...I will be following you...If you would like to do the same please feel free, u can find my blog on my site...thanks for the share.


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